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I'm Back!! - Weekly Blog #6 Athlete Feature

So I appreciate it has been a little while since I have written anything to put here. I think its now about 4 weeks. Training wise not much has happened as we’ve had a lot of family stuff going on and I spent two weeks at the Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House in Goring to get some work done on my shoulder!

As most of you will know, I am a copper, and August was a bit of a reality check when PC Andrew Harper from Thames Valley Police was killed in the line of duty during a shift. The whole idea of “There but by the grace of god” struck home, and so I entered a couple of virtual runs who decided that they would very kindly donate the proceeds to the Care of Police Survivors (COPS) charity and also the fund that was collecting money for the family of PC Harper. One was a 5km and a ‘run to remember’ of 7.605km as PC Harper shoulder number was 7605.

Following these runs, it was time to spend some time with Vick and the rest of the family up in Wales. This year Vick and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary so we planned to spend some time together with a trip to Alton Towers and to Paris. We also spent some wonderful time with these two loons when we were up in Wales

Both are doing really well, with Christina now in school full time! It’s amazing how fast they are both growing up!

And after that there was a trip down to Tenby to watch the other Podium Addict athletes take part in the fantastic Ironman Wales. Even though i couldn’t take part, its always a fantastic atmosphere from singing the anthem on the North Beach at silly o clock in the morning with thousands of other supporters all the way through to the finish line party for Heroes hour!

After we left Tenby, Vick and I headed to Paris for a couple of days to see a certain mouse and his friends! A lovely few days away from everything before coming back home and packing again to go to Flint House and two weeks of intense physio on my shoulder. My physio worked wonders and I’ve got nearly 100% range back in my shoulder, much more strength in it and a new kick start to the winter training!

So here we go!

Flint House, Goring

Vicky and I on our wedding day bacon 2009 wondering what the heck we had just done!

Visiting The Mouse!

And oh yeah, while I was away I also got a lovely new running top to add to the collection…..

And oh yeah, while I was away I also got a lovely new running top to add to the collection…..


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